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Un véhicule autonome connecté, ce n’est pas seulement un robot à la place du conducteur : il ouvre de possibles changements d’usages, de nouveaux services, de nouvelles manières de penser et de vivre la mobilité.
Un projet de l'Institut pour la ville en mouvement-VEDECOM
Yann Leriche
Feb 27, 2019
Une révolution de la mobilité ?
AVs announce a mobility revolution: they will be real living spaces on wheels Autonomous vehicles are slated to bring a revolution in...
Jean-Pierre Orfeuil
Feb 20, 2019
Remplacer le fixe par le mobile
Replacing the fixed by the mobile: the regular production of temporary densities Over the course of history, innovation has resulted from...
Jean-Pierre Orfeuil
Mar 2, 2018
The invasion of the autonomous vehicle
The autonomous vehicle is shortly set to burst into the streets of our cities and into our lives. Its qualities will ensure that it...
François Ascher
Apr 3, 2017
Hypermobility and hypertext society
Movement is a relevant way to approach the changes affecting contemporary societies, individual behaviour and lifestyles, the...
Posts are written in French and English
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