Call for case studies in China
New mobile places, the challenge of connectivity for tomorrow’s hyperplaces
UPDATE: The winning team is Craftsman/TransportX Lab!
Their mobile hyperplace concept titled "Time++ Bus" is a shuttle and charter bus service that can be customized according to individual or group requirements.
Launched on June 15, 2018, this competition is organized by the Tongji University in the frame of the international program “Mobile hyperplaces”.
Its aim is to identify and study the different emerging and ongoing practices in on-the-move connected activities, beyond the simple transportation of people or goods, in order to:
- Better understand the radical changes taking place in on-the-move activities,
- Define the characteristics of the new places generated by the arrival of hybrid and multifunctional vehicles: places in motion or physical spaces remodelled and augmented by the variety of potential uses (business, leisure, education, work, health, habitat, etc.); places that we describe as "mobile hyperplaces".
The aim is to observe on-the-move connected activities as they are today, with all their diversity of situations and mobile objects. The investigation will include activities, objects, and adaptations of public policies or spaces. This competition is therefore expected to produce deliverables that can be disseminated and demonstrated, in the form of photos reportages, videos, sound recordings, computer graphics, guided tours, exhibition, publications…
This call for applications in two phases is free of charge, directed at inter-disciplinary groups (sociology, urban planning, geography, ethnology, economics, political sciences, history, transport engineering, journalism, etc., with skills in “visual representations”) of students led by a teacher or researcher.
The competition process
First step: inventory of connected mobile activities and onsite situations where they are developed
The participants will identify everyday life situations in China, based on a documentary research (through articles, photos, films, interviews, websites…) and upload their work online (http://de.mikecrm.com/4Y63Vzm). It must include:
The presentation of the team members
One or several survey sheets
A text (in English, 3000 characters) presenting the intention for the further study (theme, organization, methodology, nature of the production…)
The signed agreement of the rules by all team members
A same group may be selected for 1, 2 or 3 further studies.
Second step: further case studies
According to their proposal presented during the first phase, the groups will upload their further case study on a dedicated FTP.
Please contact IVM (julien.barbier@vedecom.fr) to gain access to it.
International jury
The International jury is composed of 3 Chinese members (from the universities taking part in the competition) and 2 International members (members of the scientific committee of the international program).
Prizes and publication
The first and second prize-winning teams awarded by the international jury will be invited in Paris in order to present their further study during the Mobile Hyperplaces International Forum in Paris (France), on February 7, 2019.
The finalist studies will be presented during this seminar or later on during the project. They will also be released on the www.mobilehyperplaces.com website.
December 15, deadline for submitting the studies
December 21, announcement of the results by the international jury
February 7, 2019, invitation for the laureates to present their work at the occasion of an international seminar in Paris, France
Download here the complete presentation files of the competition
Presentation of the “Mobile hyperplaces” international program
A state of the art
Further documentation, with a list of possible topics in relation with the Chinese context, and the type of media expected
The forms to be completed for the first step:
The survey form
Form for the team members’ presentation
Agreement of the rules to be signed by the team members
For more information, please contact :
- Wang Zi Zhan, e-mail: marsim@126.com - tel: 18621950473
- City on the move Institute, e-mail: vilmouv@vilmouv.com
Basic documents
Competition documents